What is a Sedum & Wildflower Green Roof and Why You Should Have One?

As we dive into summer you may be thinking about ways to make your home and garden look full of life and colour.

A fantastic way to incorporate some colour into your home and garden is by adding a GrufeKit green roof. Even better, our Sedum & Wildflower GrufeTile will burst into a multitude of colour throughout these summer months and still stay green for the rest of the year.

You may now be asking – what is a Sedum & Wildflower GrufeTile?

Sedum & Wildflower is the premium GrufeTile choice. It is low maintenance and has an instant impact for your roof as it is pre-grown here at GrufeKit.

They are the ultimate biodiverse green roof due to the sedum, wildflower, and its seasonal interest.

The wildflowers and meadow grasses in this GrufeTile will burst into beautiful colours in the Spring and Summer. It will, however, die back in the Autumn and Winter, leaving brown patches – but the sedum grows all year, making your roof still green and still aesthetically attractive all year round!

Pros and Cons to consider with a Sedum & Wildflower green roof:

- Our Wildflower GrufeTile does require a little more maintenance than our Sedum option. However, this is still very minimal. A strim of the wildflowers at the end of the Summer and removing any weeds would be the most you need to do.

- One down-side to the Sedum & Wildflower GrufeTile is that when the wildflowers are not in flower, the wildflower parts of the GrufeTile are brown. But as this GrufeTile is mixed with the green Sedum, it will still be aesthetically pleasing all year round.

- Wildflower roofs offer a more varied mix of plant species, than just the Sedum GrufeTile, giving you a wide range of colour.

- Wildflower roofs also allow for windblown local seeds to grow, increasing biodiversity.

- The last factor to consider with a Wildflower green roof is that it is slightly heavier than a Sedum GrufeTile. This is due to the Wildflower requiring more nutrients for growth, making the substrate deeper and heavier. Therefore, you should consider the weight limit of your roof before making your final decision.

With all that in mind, a Sedum & Wildflower GrufeTile green roof can make the perfect addition to your roof by brightening it up with beautiful Wildflowers and Sedum. Your green roof also helps the environment as it improves biodiversity by attracting pollinating insects and different ecosystems.

Establishing a Sedum & Wildflower roof with ANS Global

At ANS GrufeKit, we provide all types of buildings across the UK with sedum & wildflower roof systems. Whether you’re looking to improve the air quality in your area, or increase biodiversity, contact our team today - we’d be happy to answer any questions you may have.